Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Volume Four

Hello once again, fellow cheeses! It's been a long nine hours since I posted last, and I'm raring to post some more.

*throws hammer at a table* "Order in the court! The case of the day is Reilly v. the State of Pennsylvania. The prosecutor claims that Ethan Reilly has been designing layouts without a license. Will the prosecutor present his evidence?"

"Why, yes, your highness. Presented on this web page are FOUR layouts illegally designed by the illiterate criminal!"

Exhibit A: A layout named "Balance", designed on March 17!

Exhibit B: Brutishly called "Rhythm", this piece was designed on the SAME DAY as "Balance". A double offense!

Exhibit C: "Emphasis" is next. All that this vagabond has emphasized is his criminality!

Exhibit D: And the crown offense, a layout sarcastically dubbed "Unity". This one was hand-made, of all things! What an evil design.

"As the court can see, this outlaw has betrayed design law on four accounts! He must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!"

"Ah, what a case! What does the defendant have to say?"

"I didn't do it, man. It wasn't me... plus, I have a license! Look, maaan." *hands the judge a $100 bill*

"Hmm... I see. Though it has a strange green tint and your identification picture looks awfully like Benjamin Franklin, it seems to check out. You're free!"

"Noooooooo!!! My last chaaannnnnceee! Dad won't let me live at home anymore!"


Ah, well that was fun. In case you haven't seen it, there's a timelapse of the creation of "Unity" in my vlog. Not much else to say; no real challenges that I've faced this week. Next week, you'll get to see my final layout, and the week after will include my TED Talk process.

Resources used: 
Siebert, Lori, and Lisa Ballard. "The Elements of Design: Space, Size, Value, Color." Making a           Good Layout. Cincinnati, OH: North Light, 1992. N. pag. 28-37 Print. 

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